Please visit the A&S Faculty Affairs site for full dossier details
In the last year of the second three-year contract, an Academic General Faculty Member that the Department and College intend to renew will automatically be considered for promotion (i.e., Senior Lecturer or Associate Professor, General Faculty), unless the faculty member informs the department chair in writing that they wish to waive the promotion review. Under A&S policy, up to three years of prior experience in a comparable faculty appointment at the University of Virginia or another institution may be counted towards the six-year timeline for the first promotion. Departments wishing to consider prior experience as comparable must seek Dean's office approval in the spring semester prior to the academic year in which they intend to bring the promotion case.
Candidates will be informed of their eligibility for promotion review, and their option to waive the review, in the spring semester preceding the year in which a promotion review is to be conducted. The specific date by which candidates must waive or confirm promotion review will be set by the department in accordance with the Dean’s office annual guidelines, but the decision must be confirmed in all cases by the end of the spring semester to ensure the Department has sufficient time to organize the promotion review.
The promotion review will be carried out by a committee of at least three faculty members, one of whom must be an external member. In extraordinary circumstances (e.g., when multiple reviews in a small department make it difficult to staff committees), the dean may approve a committee of two members. All members of the promotion review committee must be of a rank at least equivalent to that being sought, and at least one of the members will be an Academic General Faculty Member of a rank that is more senior than the candidate. The committee’s membership is subject to approval by the relevant Associate Dean. This committee will review the performance of the faculty member over the preceding five years.
The Department proceeds through its consideration process (including discussion of the case by all eligible members of the department personnel committee, and a recorded vote), arriving at one of the following recommendations:
a) a recommendation for promotion, accompanied by all materials that are part of the promotion portfolio (see below), submitted to the Dean at a date subject to annual notice.
b) a recommendation against promotion, accompanied by all materials by the same date.
The department recommendation will then be considered by the Dean’s Promotion and Renewal (P&R) Committee for Academic General Faculty Members. Each year the Dean appoints a P&R Committee consisting of seven to nine members, comprised of both tenure track faculty (TTF) and AGFM. After the committee members have individually studied the materials on the various candidates, the committee will meet to discuss and evaluate them in detail. The chair of the department and/or the chair of the department committee may be invited to appear before the P&R committee to answer questions. The Dean or a representative from among the associate deans will preside and will be present at all meetings of the committee. When the interviews and discussions are completed, the P&R committee will vote on promotion and renewal recommendations for each candidate. Following the final deliberations, the Dean will decide whether or not to concur with the recommendations of the committee and submit those recommendations to the Provost for final approval. Faculty will be informed of the Dean’s recommendation to the Provost. According to the Provost’s Policy, in the event of a negative recommendation from the Dean, the “faculty member will have thirty (30) days to submit a written appeal to the provost. The appeal will be accompanied by adequate documentation and a statement of reasons as to why the recommendation is believed to be inappropriate.”
The Provost will review promotion recommendations from the Dean’s Office (positive and negative). The Provost will make final decisions regarding promotion. In the case of a positive recommendation, the Academic General Faculty Member will be appointed to a five-year contract as Associate Professor on the Academic General Faculty track or Senior Lecturer. In the case of a negative recommendation, the Provost will notify the Academic General Faculty Member in writing with a copy to the Dean.
As specified in the Provost’s Policy, “A school may renew the contract of a faculty member with assistant, lecturer, or instructor rank who has been denied a promotion. Reappointment following an unsuccessful promotion review will be for three-year terms.” When an AGFM is considered for promotion and denied, the P&R committee may recommend renewal at the same rank, following the same guidelines as an initial third year review. A faculty member on a three-year contract who is not renewed will nevertheless be given notice and granted an additional one-year contract, consistent with Provost policy.
In the case of AGFM who receive a negative promotion decision but are renewed for another three-year term at the same rank, it is A&S policy not to reconsider that faculty member for promotion review in either of the next two academic year cycles. In this case, the faculty member will be eligible to be considered in the third and final year of the contract, following the same procedures summarized above. A decision to waive promotion at the time of eligibility must be documented by the candidate in writing.
If a faculty member waives promotion in year 6 (which, as noted above, must be done in writing), they will be considered for reappointment for a three-year term and automatically eligible for promotion consideration in the last year of that term. A faculty member may request to be reviewed for promotion prior to the final year of the reappointment, as long as the request is made in writing to the chair and associate dean by the end of the spring semester to ensure the Department has sufficient time to organize the promotion review.