The provost’s policy requires that Academic General Faculty Members be “represented appropriately in matters of shared governance in the school, including, but not limited to, the hiring, evaluation, and promotion of Academic General Faculty Members. School policies may, but are not required to, include Academic General Faculty Members in matters related to the hiring, evaluation, and promotion of tenured or tenure-track faculty members.”
In Arts & Sciences, AGFM will be actively included in the life of their departments and/or programs, not just in the areas specifically mentioned in the provost’s policy, but more broadly in areas like curricular design, advising, the evaluation of teaching performance, email communications, and department events, in a manner that is consistent with the nature and terms of their appointment.
AGFM will be represented appropriately in matters of shared governance, including, but not limited to, the hiring, evaluation, renewal, and promotion of AGFM. As a rule, AGFM or their chosen representative(s) will also be able to vote on issues that directly affect them as citizens of their department or program. Departments and programs will draft bylaws governing the representation of AGFM in matters of shared governance. These bylaws will specify the issues on which AGFM or their chosen representatives will be eligible to vote. In cases in which voting eligibility on a particular issue might be in question, the chair or director will clarify the matter in advance.
A department’s or program’s bylaws on AGFM representation in matters of shared governance may restrict participation in (e.g., voting on) the hiring, evaluation, renewal, and promotion of AGFM to AGFM of a higher rank.
A department’s or program’s bylaws on AGFM representation in matters of shared governance may stipulate:
That broader categories of AGFM shall participate in decisions related to the hiring, evaluation, renewal, and promotion of AGFM;
and/or that AGFM of one or more ranks shall participate in decisions related to the hiring, evaluation, renewal, and promotion of tenured and tenure-track faculty.
AGFM will be engaged in service whenever appropriate and possible. Lecturer, Teaching Track, and Practice Track AGFM are expected to contribute to the academic life of their department and/or program by providing service to their department, the school, and/or the university. For AGFM on these tracks with a full 3-3 load, service should normally occupy no more than 10% of their time, although more substantial service duties such as Director of Undergraduate Program work may be assigned if the faculty member is given a course reduction from his or her base teaching load. This 10% limit applies also to half-time Lecturers in the Music Faculty who teach a full complement of performance classes.
AGFM teaching a 2-2 load, especially those promoted above the entry-level rank, will perform service duties up to 40% of their time.
The case of research AGFM is, in some sense, even more complex in regard to service; most of their paid time is dedicated to conducting research (broadly defined), which is, in turn, supported by external sponsors. Consequently, unless a service commitment is incidental (that is, less than roughly 5% of the faculty member’s time), the department has two choices: the portion of the faculty member’s salary covered by grants can be reduced, with the portion devoted to service covered by non-grant sources; or the faculty member could be paid for service on an overload basis, as long as such payment agreements accord with the provost’s policy on “Faculty External Consulting and Internal Overload.” In either case, funding for the service work will come from departmental, non-grant sources such as overhead recovery fees generated by and distributed to the departments. If this guideline is followed, effort reports certified by research AGFM will be accurate, and external sponsors will not be paying for committee activity.
AGFM should be represented on the elected and appointed committees of Arts & Sciences, including the Promotion and Renewal Committee for AGFM as specified above. For a partial list of such committees, see AGFM should be represented on other school-wide committees of shared governance, whether standing or ad hoc, that for one reason or another may not be listed in the URL above (e.g., the Page-Barbour Committee).