Faculty Processes
- Department Chairs are responsible for checking in with Associate Professors in their fifth year (since tenure).
- Regarding promotions from Associate Professor to Full Professor: "Although time in rank is itself not a sufficient criterion for promotion, departments should conduct a review no later than at the end of the candidate's fifth year in rank at UVA to determine whether or not it would be appropriate to develop a formal promotion case for consideration by the Dean. If in the judgment of the department the candidate is not ready for promotion consideration, the department should make recommendations to the candidate for further professional and scholarly development, and should reconsider the case at regular intervals."
- The conversation between the chair and faculty member should be documented in the "Memo of Conversation".
- Guidelines for case file compilation.
- Considered on a case-by-case basis, as case file is submitted to the dean's office.
- Provost Policy: https://uvapolicy.virginia.edu/policy/HRM-045
- Faculty Overload form: https://provost.virginia.edu/node/486
- Guidelines / File Naming Conventions
- Templates for P&T Reviewer Letters
- Template for External Reviewers List
- Template for Course Eval Spreadsheet
- Arts & Sciences site: http://as.virginia.edu/procedures-renewal-promotion-and-tenure-TT#section-3
- Provost Policy: https://uvapolicy.virginia.edu/policy/PROV-017
- mid March - Getting Started email sent to departments, regarding getting started on P&T cases files to be sent to the Provost the following spring
- late August - Candidate Confirmation email sent
- early November - deadline for case materials to be submitted the dean's office
- early February - Dean's Committee decisions made; case files sent to Provost
- Guidelines / Types of Promotion Tracks
- File Naming Conventions
- Provost Policy: https://uvapolicy.virginia.edu/policy/PROV-004
- August - Getting Started email sent to departments, regarding getting started on Promotion cases files to be sent to the Provost the following spring
- mid September - deadline for candidates names due to the dean's office
- mid December - deadline for case files due to the dean's office
- March - Dean's Committee decisions made; case files sent to Provost
- Arts & Sciences site: https://facultystaff.as.virginia.edu/policies-and-procedures-AGFM
- Provost Policy: https://uvapolicy.virginia.edu/policy/PROV-004
- August: Getting Started email sent to departments
- October: Candidate Confirmation email sent to chairs and department managers
- February: case materials due to the dean's office
Process [Please note these process steps are currently under review / a work in progress.]
- Faculty member sends Department Chair letter of retirement intention.
- Chair reviews and forwards retirement intention letter to divisional Associate Dean.
- If the faculty member is eligible for emeritus status, the Chair should also send the Associate Dean the faculty member's current CV and an emeritus nomination (inclusive of a biographical statement). The biographical portion of the nomination letter will be included in the Provost Office's annual Emeriti Booklet.
- Associate Dean reviews and forwards information - with approval note of emeritus nomination, if applicable - to the Faculty Affairs Specialist (FAS).
- Dean's Office writes a retirement acknowledgement letter to the faculty member and sends the letter, with cc to both Department Chair and Department Business Manager), through DocuSign.
- Department Manager keys retirement information into Workday, to ensure it will come up in the Provost report for the BOV docket draft of Faculty Personnel Actions.
- The Emeritus nomination will be forwarded by the FAS to the Provost, for approval, to ensure that also will come up in the Provost's BOV docket draft of Faculty Personnel Actions.
The Sesquicentennial application process (including both Sesqui and Pre-tenure Sesqui (4th year leaves takes place in the fall of the academic year preceding the academic year during which the Sesqui will be taken.
Eligible faculty include:
- Tenured faculty members who, when the Sesqui leave begins, will have completed ten full-time teaching semesters since their last Sesqui.
- Tenure-track faculty members who are being reviewed for renewal at the assistant professor rank in the current academic year, who wish to take Sesqui leave next year. While pre-tenure leaves are typically taken in the 4th year, due to COVID extensions, they may occur in the fifth year.
Sesqui Associates will be assigned to full-time research at full pay for one semester or half-time research at half pay for an academic year. In the latter case, the Dean of Arts and Sciences will monitor the acceptability of any other partial salaries or stipends received by the associate. The site at which the research is to be carried out should be specified in the application, and any subsequent changes to plans should have the approval of the dean.
The Associate Deans for the Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sciences oversee the selection of Sesquicentennial Associates. This process will take the following into account:
- Presence of an active and successful research program since the previous Sesqui
- Candidate's fulfillment of goals stated in the previous Sesqui application
- Chair’s endorsement
- Number of non-Sesqui leaves taken since candidate's previous Sesqui
- Curricular needs of the department
Letter of Intent
After receiving an award letter, the Sesqui Associate will be responsible for completing a form confirming the dates of when and how they intend to take the leave. If at any time the agreed-upon leave dates change, the associate must contact the department chair who will confer with the Associate Dean for approval of the modification.
Returning to the University of Virginia
Any faculty member who accepts a Sesqui will be expected to return to full-time work at the University of Virginia for at least two semesters at the completion of the Sesqui leave. Should a faculty member fail to return for a full year, they will be liable to repay the salary and benefits paid by the College during the Sesqui leave.
Final Report
All Sesqui Associates must submit a final report in early Fall following their year of leave. The call for reports will occur in August/September although we encourage early submission.
Reports should state the following:
- When and where the Sesqui leave took place
- Research conducted
- Abstract of work(s) written at least in part during the Sesqui leave and publication status (copies of publications not necessary; bibliographical citations will suffice)
If an associate fails to submit this report:
- The candidate will be liable to repay the salary and benefits paid by the College during the Sesqui leave.
- Eligibility for a future Sesqui leave may be affected.